Site Ideas - Roadmap for Future Updates
I make no secret of it around about - this website is almost entirely built with SadGrl's newbie-friendly webmastery resources.
With an abundance of free time on my hands this weekend, I'll be building a bunch of new pages based on the "Site Ideas" from Sadgrl's sidebar. Reproducing said list here for convenience, with a few comments added:
- Add a poll to your website, with pollcode.
- Create a personality quiz.
- Make an 88x31 button.
- Build a new layout.
- Put a WinAmp player on your site. (Old website had one)
- Add falling items to your webpage.
- Make a page about your dreams.
- Add some forms to your website.
- Add analytics to your website.
- Put a gifypet on your site.
- Put a chatbox on your website.
- Create a page dedicated to reviews of your favorite books, music, movies or TV shows. (Future "Misc Junk" section?)
- Find some web badges for your site.
- Create a secret page linked only from a mysterious image somewhere on your website.
- Add a tamaNOTchi to your website.
- Add a webneko to your page.
- Decorate a page with your favorite internet bumper stickers.
- Add some JavaScript effects to your page.
- Curate a list of your favorite websites on a page, to share with others. (Under construction)
- Create a page dedicated to your personal history on the net.
- Make a page with a collection of personality quiz results.
- Create a page dedicated to old 'Myspace' style surveys.
- Make a custom 404 page on your site. (Minor tweaks done)
- Create a web shrine for your favorite something.
- Display last updated and visitor statistics on your (neocities) webpage.
- Create a page to display old archives of your website (if it's been around a while). (Planning to do this)
- Create a page with your favorite music. You can embed Spotify playlists on your site or use the WinAmp player.
- Create a page about your pets!